Tea Scoop HAGOITA (Sami)

length: 4.33in (11.0cm)

Our Tea Scoop is very useful for measuring tea leaves from Chazutsu or other tea container and when placing tea leaves into the Kyusu teapot. It also brings a traditional Japanese atmosphere to tea time. Sami means Tea Scoop in Japanese.

The capacity is 3g or more of tea leaves, which is a little more than 1/2 tablespoon. We think that the tablespoon is most convenient to measure tea leaves because the capacity is almost the same all around the world. All of our brewing instructions are based on tablespoons to measure tea leaves. We recommend you check the capacity before using Sami.

This is made of wood from the camphor tree, and finished by lacquer coating. HAGOITA is a wooden paddle used in HANETSUKI Japanese battledore, a traditional game historically played on auspicious occasions like New Year's holiday in Japan.





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Customer Review

No. Author Country Rating Read Date Added
01. Lindsay Wheelock United Kingdom
1035 02/04/2022
02. Jean Australia
3098 01/06/2017
03. Caroline United States
3287 06/03/2016
04. David Waters Australia
3083 05/02/2016
05. Klara Balazs Italy
3209 02/23/2016
06. David United States
3443 01/11/2015

Current Reviews: 6 

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