Teapot CLEAR - Filter Top & MANTEN Yunomi set

This Teapot and Yunomi set is specifically designed to be convenient and easy to use. This is not only a convenient and simple design but also sophisticated and stylish. You are surely able to enjoy both iced tea, hot tea and the beautiful color of tea in your green moment with this functional and fashionable set. It is stylish and suitable for any occasion.

Many tea enthusiasts unfortunately chip their teapot spout at some point, however this lid is made of PCT resin, so you don’t need to worry about breaking it. This pot has only three parts and there is no edge, so it is easy to wash and remove the used tea leaves. Just rinse with water and the used tea leaves will be washed away. You can remove and wash the silicone rubber sealing ring, so you’ll be able to keep the teapot clean.

The lid shuts tightly and has a filter and spout, therefore you can pour tea with one hand. The filter part of the lid was specially designed in order to keep loose tea leaves from flowing into your cup or glass, so you can brew all kinds of Japanese tea.

Since this teapot is made from heat resistant glass, you are able to enjoy both iced tea and hot tea. Also, the glass doesn’t retain the tea flavor or aroma, so you can use it for any type of tea, from Japanese Sencha to Earl Grey. It is easy for you to know the exact extraction time because this modern teapot is clear and you’ll see the tea leaves. Adding to that, you can enjoy the beautiful color of tea in your green moment.

The shape of this pot is not only chic but also functional. It is designed so that tea leaves can fully expand during brewing. A square mark which indicates 300 ml is printed on the side surface and it is very helpful and convenient.

MANTEN Yunomi is not only sophisticated and modern but also ideal for serving tea. The slight inward curve of the rim helps one to taste Japanese tea flavorfully. The round shape brings a calm atmosphere. And the white color of porcelain helps you to appreciate the subtle color of each brewed tea.

Enjoy both the excellent taste of Japanese green tea and its pure color with this modern, stylish tea set. You will certainly look forward to brewing tea in this set which has been specially designed with the user in mind.

Made in Japan.




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- Teapot CLEAR - Filter Top: 450ml (15.84fl oz), specifically designed to be convenient and easy to use
- MANTEN Yunomi (Tea cup): pair, 120ml (4.22fl oz) each, standard size teacup

Choosing Tea Ware for Brewing Tea Leaves: click here
General Brewing Process: click here
Iced Tea Recipes: click here


Teapot CLEAR
- This item may be cleaned in a dish washing machine.
- Wash immediately after use, as strong colors and odors may transfer to the silicone rubber material.
- Letting resin parts soak in household bleach for a prolonged period of time may reduce their durability.

- It is best to wash this item using only tepid water or mild chlorine-free dish washing detergent.
- If necessary, you may occasionally use a chlorine detergent. In that case, after using the chlorine detergent, we recommend you boil this item in water to remove the chlorine smell.

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