Matcha Latte (House Matcha / Matcha Culinary)

(NOTE) This page is NOT for ordering confections, but only to share a recipe.

For Matcha Latte, we highly recommend using our House Matcha and Matcha Culinary.

How to make Matcha Latte


1 1/2 tea spoons of Matcha
70ml boiling water
70ml milk
sugar (optional)

Add Matcha to hot water and whisk with a bamboo Chasen, gradually adding the milk. If you like, add a little sugar. Matcha Latte is also delicious served over ice.

This recipe makes one cup of Matcha Latte.

Customer Review

No. Author Country Rating Read Date Added
01. GLORIA WHICKER United States
95 12/29/2024
02. Ivan Petrovic Montenegro
6609 10/02/2005

Current Reviews: 2 

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