Iced Sencha

(For Iced Sencha, we highly recommend "Sencha Premium", "Sencha Superior", or Sencha Fukamushi Superior. You can order "Sencha Premium" by clicking the In Cart button below.)

(NOTE) This page is NOT for order page, but only to share a recipe.

For Iced Sencha, we highly recommend using our Sencha Premium, Sencha Superior and Sencha Fukamushi Superior. (check Sencha category)

In Japan, we have been enjoying iced green tea for many years! This tradition is as unique to Japan as fine Japanese green tea, because Japan has been blessed with clean and pure water since old times. It is the perfect refreshing drink for a hot and humid summer day, which there are many of in Japan!
There are three different ways to brew Iced Gyokuro or Sencha. Each extracts the taste and constituents in a unique way. You can choose and enjoy brewing each way, considering the purpose or what taste you like the best.

(How to make Iced Sencha)

(1) Brewing by ice
This brewing technique is a time-consuming process, but provides the most noble taste and atmosphere, which is suitable for the highest grades of Sencha.

- Place 7 to 8g (1.5 tablespoons) of Sencha tea leaves into the Kyusu (teapot).
- Fill up the Kyusu with pieces of ice.
- Wait for the ice to thaw naturally at room temperature (do not heat the Kyusu).
- It is finished when the pieces of ice are fully thawed.
- Pour the tea from the Kyusu into each glass alternately little by little, so that the quantity and taste of the tea is equal in each glass.

(2) Brewing by hot water once and cooling quickly
This brewing technique involves brewing the tea in hot water, then cooling it quickly by pouring the hot tea into a glass filled up with pieces of ice.
Particularly in the case of Sencha, you can enjoy the refreshing and astringent taste that Sencha is well-known for, because this hot brewing technique extracts Catechin and Caffeine that is not extracted by brewing with ice or cold water. This way is also suitable when you wish to enjoy the healthful benefits of Catechin and Caffeine, such as when you would like to concentrate or have energy.
This way is suitable for middle and high grades of Sencha.

- Place 7 to 8g (1.5 tablespoons) of Sencha tea leaves into the Kyusu (teapot).
- Pour 200ml (7.04fl oz) of 176F (80C) temperature of water into the Kyusu.
- Wait for 2 to 3 minutes. You'll want to brew the tea quite strongly because later the thawed ice will weaken the f lavor.
- Pour tea from the Kyusu into each glass filled up with pieces of ice to cool the tea quickly. When doing it, pour alternately little by little, so that the quantity and taste of the tea is equal in each glass.

(3) Brewing by cool water
This brewing process is easy to do and creates tea which is easy to store and preserves well. You can enjoy the smooth and mellow taste of both Gyokuro and Sencha without any bitter notes because Caffeine is not extracted in cold water.
This way is suitable for all grades of Sencha

- Place 5 to 8g (1 to 1.5 tablespoons) of Sencha tea leaves into the Kyusu (teapot).
- Pour 500 to 1000ml (17.6 to 35.2fl oz) of cool water into the tea pot and store in the refrigerator for 2 to 6 hours.
- In order to equalize the taste of the tea, shake the Kyusu horizontally before pouring the tea into each glass.

Customer Review

No. Author Country Rating Read Date Added
01. Jenny United States
1241 08/09/2022
02. Roxana United States
2792 08/12/2018
03. Leslie Burban Ireland
7880 08/04/2012
04. Russell Bailey United Kingdom
9028 08/27/2009
05. Paul Harris United States
8699 07/28/2009
06. Alice Zaffuto United States
9152 06/23/2008
07. Karen Kletter United States
9224 07/10/2007
08. Scott Martin United States
9369 07/08/2007

Current Reviews: 8 

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