Matcha Tiramisu (House Matcha / Matcha Culinary)

(NOTE) This page is NOT for ordering confections, but only to share a recipe.

For Matcha Tiramisu, we highly recommend using our House Matcha and Matcha Culinary.

How to make Matcha Tiramisu ---

Ingredients: (measurements help, click here)

3 fresh eggs – separated
100g sugar
500g mascarpone cheese
32 ladyfingers

3 teaspoons of Matcha
150ml of hot water

  1. Make the Matcha: Sift the Matcha for a more mellow flavor. Place 2 teaspoons of Matcha into a small bowl. Pour 100ml of hot water into the bowl. Whisk the Matcha. Set aside.
  2. In a bowl, whisk together the sugar (leave 1 tablespoon of sugar for making the meringue) and 3 egg yolks until the mixture is almost white. Gradually add the mascarpone and continue stirring until the mixture becomes creamy.*
  3. In another bowl, make the meringue. Whip 3 of the egg whites and 1 tablespoon of sugar to stiff peaks. *
  4. Carefully fold the meringue into the mascarpone mixture.
  5. Quickly and lightly dip the ladyfingers into the Matcha. Line the bottom of an 8-by-8-inch pan or glass serving dish. Cover the ladyfingers with one half of the mascarpone mixture, then repeat the layering process.
  6. Chill at least 3 hours (overnight is preferable).
  7. Before serving, sprinkle Matcha over the mascarpone cream through a tea strainer.
*It is best to use an electric blender when mixing these ingredients.

This recipe makes 8-10 servings of Matcha Tiramisu

Customer Review

No. Author Country Rating Read Date Added
01. Anastassia Shuhtina United Kingdom
5594 02/16/2010
02. Ivan Petrovic Montenegro
6619 10/05/2005

Current Reviews: 2 

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