[Limited] Shincha Traditional (80g/2.82oz) Reviews

Author Sarah Longo   (United States)
Review Loving the Shincha Traditional again this year!! I opened my pack RIGHT AWAY as soon as my box came and immediately prepared some to cold-brew in the glass, green topped teapot sold here- that thing is beyond wonderful- to get it started brewing over the day and then waited till I could have some quiet, personal Me Time to prepare it the warm way. The leaves look exactly as pictured and described, and the color of the brew was also just as described, a nice bright yellow-green! Just looking at it gets me happier feeling because the color is so vibrant, alive, and fresh!

All 3 ways I've tried brewing this (cold-brew, the regular Sencha way, and then using a higher temperature to bring out the unique once a year only extra crisp, refreshing flavor and aroma) have been excellent. Holds up to 3 infusions and once again I find I can use less leaves than recommended to get the flavor profile I enjoy. I really feel it's incredible freshness is what allows this by just making it bursting with flavor.
I enjoyed my first 3 brews slowly with my very favorite flavor of the Bean Jellies, the UME (Plum,) that HIBIKI-AN have made available to us. It's sweetness and smoothness was wonderful with the crispness in flavor of this Tea when brewed at the higher temperatures. The next day I paired it with the Brown Sugar Bean Jelly and it was incredibly delightful once again to pair the more deeper sweetness with this Tea's characteristics.
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 5 of 5 Stars!

Date June 27, 2014

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Reviews Posted by this Author: 132