[Limited] Shincha Traditional (80g/2.82oz) Reviews

Author Nicholas Nguyen   (Singapore)
Review I have been ordering tea from Hibiki-an for quite a few months already and I am very happy with the tea quality.

Been trying out most of the tea, from Gyokuro to Genmaicha Matcha iri, and found out that Sencha is my personal favourite. Not until I take a sip of Sincha!

This tea is very refreshing and strong. I am the kind that likes my tea "bold", and this tea has the perfect balance between sweetness and bitterness.

When sipping in, you will smell the sweetness of the leaf, the mellow taste will surprise your tongue and the tea will leave a bitter aftertaste in your throat. Extraordinary!

Thanks Hibiki-an for tea at such quality.
Am gonna order some more Sincha!
  • Very bad...
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 5 of 5 Stars!

Date May 14, 2015

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