[Limited] Farmers' Shincha (160g/5.64oz) Reviews

 Out of Stock

Nickname Wayne   (United States)
Review I placed my first order with Hibiki-An for Farmers' Shincha and Gyokuro Super Premium in June and was extremely pleased with the quality of the teas.
It was expected that the Gyokuro Super Premium would be great, which it was, but I was surprised by the taste of the Farmers' Shincha. My wife and I love this tea so much, that within two weeks now I have reordered that one while supplies are still available.
My wife is in remission from non-Hodkins follicular lymphoma, an incurable blood cancer, and we trust that your Japanese green teas will help to improve her health.
Thank you Hibiki-An for your very informative Website, and for offering such wonderful teas to the world.
You have two Texans as your newest loyal customers.
Hibiki-An is Ichiban to us.

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 5 of 5 Stars!

Date July 01, 2019

Verified Purchase

Reviews Posted by this Author: 7