Cool New Iced Drinks for the Hot Summer! Reviews

Author James Hart   (United States)
Review I thought I'd pass on a simple recipe. I'm stuck at a fast food joint and it gets hot in there. I have made an interesting yet simple recipe. I use a 50/50 ratio of Sencha Superior and Gyokuro Superior, 12 ounces worth in my case, steeped for a minute of course. While it's steeping, I take just an ounce or two of hot water and 1 teaspoon of House matcha and mix it up vigorously. When the tea is done steeping, I pour it into the cup with the matcha and mix some more and put it in a large up, I have a 34 oz cup but recommend 50. I then take 12 oz of lemonade and pour it into the tea then top off with ice. It's my Triple Threat Palmer, named after Arnold Palmer that invented the Half tea and half lemonade. I plan to make my own lemonade soon. I'll keep you posted.
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 5 of 5 Stars!

Date February 19, 2012

Reviews Posted by this Author: 2