[Limited] Shincha Gyokuro (80g/2.82oz) Reviews

Author Erik O'Brien   (United States)
Review Gyokuro & Matcha are my favorite of teas. Maybe its because of the complexity of its flavor. Maybe its because its because its a little stronger then others. Maybe its the robust green that it pours. Its this and more that actually attracts me to Gyokuro more then Senchas. I have been drinking Gyokuro steadily for a year now and exclusively through Hibiki-An. This however, is my first venture in to Shincha Gyokuro. I really had not anticipated to be moved as I thought their Gyokuro was.....perfection! Upon my first sip of Shincha Gyokuro I immediately exclaimed my satisfaction aloud! This is freshness personified! It is amazing that something like the first harvest can so "alter" the taste and effect that is has. As described, this particular leaf is picked 7-12 days later then Shincha Sencha and grown in the shade for a shorter period then "normal" Gyokuro. All of this which may not seem like a great deal of time, has a huge effect and it shows. My taste buds detect a most refreshing and dare I say...... a "grassy" like taste. This is not to say that this tea tastes like grass but it has that refreshingly spring "new birth" taste and feel. You will also detect a delicate sweetness that will be sure to bring a smile. It pours a lovely color from my 1960 reproduction of a Masahiro Mori kyusu which for me retains the true flavor of this and most of my teas and adds to the whole tea experience. I tend to enjoy this as my first tea of the morning as I begin my day. If you generally find Gyokuro a little too strong or bitter for your taste, do not worry. This tea is mellow and subtle and in no way can turn you off. Give it a try before its gone!
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 5 of 5 Stars!

Date July 03, 2012

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Reviews Posted by this Author: 6