[Limited] Kuradashi Matcha Pinnacle (30g/1.06oz) Reviews

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Nickname Jennifer Falzarano   (United States)
Review Took such care to this grade of matcha ,
I made sure to clean my bamboo scoop n sifter from my beloved Matcha Pinnacle grade tea ,
I used 4 ounces of water to 1 bamboo scoop of Kuradashi grade pinnacle matcha n sifted into my Kuro - Raku bowl the smell when I open the can n bag was sweet n fresh n beautiful ,
As I whisked there was a froth that formed ,
On my art of 3 sips I felt more a grass tone the creamy n sweet on the pinnacle grad on my 1st of 3 sips I let it roll n linger as I write my impression the 2 nd of 3 was the sweetness showing very noble but the 3rd was with the froth n it was sheer blisssss i see why people wait for this tea grade would I order the larger bag yes i would this is by far not your everyday matcha 1 much start small as I did the pinnacle grade before I permanently upgraded from my beloved matcha super premium grade I’m in love with the pinnacle grade but there was something special about the Kuradashi grade it’s probably why id stay with a small because it’s not a matcha to be taken for granted it needs to be treated with dignity n respect for it’s labor intensive process n time it takes to age its not a matcha u drink with a full 8 oz of room temperature water like I do with my pinnical grade matcha ok you must slow down n saver this grade it is very noble n special

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 5 of 5 Stars!

Date December 01, 2024

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Reviews Posted by this Author: 16