

Blended Sencha Super Premium (80g/2.82oz)


 Out of Stock

Author Rudi Hermawan   (Indonesia)
Review Brief steeps (few seconds) in 70 Celsius water.
Liquor is opaqued pale yellowish green in color, but the yellowish hue gets brighter by the third infusion.
Taste is bold, slightly grassy on the palate with a soft umami sweetness.
The slight grassy note is noticeable from the 1st infusion and gets more pronounced by the second infusion.
Mouthfeel slightly sticky, but no dryness.
Wet leaves are freshly green, delicate looking, giving off a steamed seaweed aroma.
The flavor intensity starts to mellow down by the 3rd infusion as the umami note decreases and the vegetal note increases.
A longer steep (30 seconds) gives the liquor a deeper yellowish hue and a bitter note to the flavor.
There is freshness in flavor that indicates this is sencha, yet the soft umami note gives it a more balanced flavor on the palate, as if it is blended with gyokuro.
Picture Posted by Reviewer
Very bad...Bad...Very bad...Ordinary...Good... 4 of 5 Stars!
Date January 06, 2023

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Reviews Posted by this Author: 42