
Matcha Pinnacle (30g/1.06oz)


Author Barbara C. Glancy   (United States)
Review I must confess that I do drink a lot of tea with my friends. I have my special collected tea ware pieces and friends send me new pieces that I love to share while drinking tea. We have fun and it is always a social event at my house. But I have always kept away from Matcha. I guess because I was a Westerner, Matcha was intimidating, especially knowing the seriousness based around Matcha and the Japanese tea ceremony art. I always would see images of one person making their Matcha tea in a big bowl and never a group around a big teapot filling cups and having fun. Matcha seemed solitary. So bravely I decided to take the chance with Pinnacle Matcha. I decided it was the best to be offered so what could go wrong! So I went slowly. After the tea arrived and the house was fairly quiet I heated the pure water from my filtration unit. I pressed 4 measures using the tool called a chashaka. It holds a small mound of powdered Matcha and once I had sifted the tea I added 100 ml’s or cc’s of hot but not boiling water and whisked away using the (chasen). The result was an effortless and relaxing moment that resulted in the most enjoyable drink. My only warning to those interested in following my path is that it will be habit forming. Pinnacle Matcha is a very good tea experience and you do not have to follow a serious ceremony to enjoy Matcha. It does a pretty good job all by itself. All the seriousness has been preformed for you by Hibiki-an. All the years of cultivating and generations of processing experiences, has created the ceremony in a can- Pinnacle Matcha! You will love this tea more then any tea you have ever tried. Just you and Pinnacle Matcha will make the tea ceremony! Now I think I understand the tea ceremony. I think you will too once you try Pinnacle Matcha.
Very bad...Bad...Very bad...Ordinary...Good... 5 of 5 Stars!
Date June 21, 2006

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Reviews Posted by this Author: 30
