

Competition Grade Sencha Pinnacle (40g/1.41oz)


Author Vernon Edward Bailey   (Canada)
Review a very delicious and well balanced flavor. many of my friends thought there was something wrong when the tea looked like little needles in the bag, until they had steeped that is and their very smallness had finally come to view. the leaves are so nicely packed that its as if you can smell the air the tea grew in. A wonderfully fresh aroma, pre and post brew.

delicious i have managed to get 4 brews out of the tea, by trying a 80 C steep for about 40-45 seconds the first time, for a hot cup of tea with the color i like and just the right amount of astringency.
Very bad...Bad...Very bad...Ordinary...Good... 5 of 5 Stars!
Date January 26, 2011

Reviews Posted by this Author: 4
