

Houjicha Super Premium (100g/3.53oz)


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Nickname Stephanie Rianne   (United States)
Review Houjicha Super Premium has a strong roasted aroma, and when brewed has a light, refreshing taste that isn't sweet. This tea is great to drink any time of day, but especially at night due to its light, refreshing taste and low amounts of caffeine. I drink Houjicha a lot when I am feeling sick.

I brew mine in Hibiki-An's Tenmoku Kyusu as it really brings out the taste compared to putting the leaves into a tea bag or strainer that is too fine.

If you have never had Houjicha, I strongly recommend this product! The taste may be a bit shockingas it is nothing like other green teas (that brew green). For those that are new to Houjicha, I would recommend using less leaves to start, for a weaker brew, then increase to the recommended amount to build up your taste so that you may properly enjoy Houjicha Super Premium!
Very bad...Bad...Very bad...Ordinary...Good... 5 of 5 Stars!
Date February 05, 2022

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Reviews Posted by this Author: 2