

Competition Grade Matcha PinnacleRefill(60g/2.12oz)


Nickname Chris   (Canada)
Review I've been drinking this matcha as a matcha latte.

I also drink the Pinnacle grade matcha.

The colour is excellent for this matcha. The aroma is also good when sifting. I haven't tried it in the tea ceremony yet.

It's finely ground.

I always sift the matcha before using.

It's very mild, which as Hibiki an says is the characteristic that they test for in the competition.

If you're looking for a matcha with a lot of flavour, you may want to consider another grade.

If you're looking for a very smooth matcha, then this suits that purpose Ivery well.

The characteristics of top grade matcha are skewed by the Japanese requirement for a very smooth product, because of the tea ceremony.

Other top grade teas like the Competition Gyokuro have quite a lot of sensory properties.

I really need to do the tea ceremony to see what this tea is like. Last year, I missed the competition tea. Previous years, I have tried them, including one winning year.
Very bad...Bad...Very bad...Ordinary...Good... 5 of 5 Stars!
Date January 14, 2022

Verified Purchase
Reviews Posted by this Author: 58
