Reviews Posted by Barbara C. Glancy
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[Limited] Shincha Matcha (30g/1.06oz)
of 5 Stars!
Date Added: 06/07/2010 Read: 4531
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[Limited] Shincha Gyokuro (80g/2.82oz)
of 5 Stars!
Date Added: 06/05/2010 Read: 5851
Shincha Gyokuro 2010 "The Tea of Kings" is here! Thank you Hibiki-an. Hands down everyone drinking this tea at my table gave it high praise and said they really liked my brew of 7.5 grams of tea with 200ml of 165 degree water for 30 seconds. In and out! This ...(more)
Out of Stock
[Limited] Farmers' Shincha (160g/5.64oz)
of 5 Stars!
Date Added: 06/05/2010 Read: 4678
Tea tasting the new Shinsha's from Hibiki-an did not stop at Shincha matcha. A bit later my friends and I prepared ourselves for the Farmers Shincha. I like to think of this tea as the house tea. Nothing wrong with this tea and proud to be served and consumed. Very easy...(more)
[Limited] Houjicha Karigane Super Premium (100g/3.53oz)
of 5 Stars!
Date Added: 02/09/2010 Read: 4021
When my Houjicha tea arrived I prepared the boiling water and measured out 7.5 g on my scale which happened to be about what slightly fills a 1/4 cup measuring cup. Then I chose the fastest decanting teapot I own because I noticed that this tea as per instructions neede...(more)
Houjicha Karigane is at the top of the offerings in the Houjicha lineup. This is the sweet, complex tea with descriptions most closely resembling those associated with fine wine tastings. This is a wow tea. It has the roastyness of my other favorite Houjicha Super Premi...(more)
Houjicha (Bencha) another tea in my quest to familiarize my self with my sushi masters favorite style of tea, Houjicha. A very good tea roasting as presented in a mild and mellow tea with many characteristics found in Houjicha except it was not as complex. I could not ...(more)
[Limited] Houjicha Super Premium (100g/3.53oz)
of 5 Stars!
Date Added: 02/09/2010 Read: 3617
There are four new Houjicha teas now offered from the tea farm and green tea provider Hibiki-an. The Houjicha Super Premium is a limited production.This was the first of the four Houjicha teas I tasted and I was thrilled with my experience. This was a tea I did not want...(more)
Out of Stock
[Limited] Shincha Traditional (80g/2.82oz)
of 5 Stars!
Date Added: 05/25/2009 Read: 4403
I liked this tea even though it was less sweet and more astringent. Astringent is not a bad description by any means when it comes to this tea. It is important an important characteristic to have a tea able to refreshen and awaken the palette and this tea achieves thi...(more)
Out of Stock
[Limited] Shincha Gyokuro (80g/2.82oz)
of 5 Stars!
Date Added: 05/25/2009 Read: 5231
Long over due is my review for this wonderful tea from Hibiki-an tea. I have been so busy drinking many new spring teas that I almost forgot to write my review! I likes using 7g of this tea to 220cm of water at 156 degrees for exactly one minute. We take tea drinking ...(more)
I am writing today in hopes that many tea lovers will take a closer look at the wonderful Hohin set I recently purchased. This Hohin is amazingly still offered by Hibiki-an. The photographs on the website do not offer the viewer the true beauty the artist Shoami Takano ...(more)
In our world it is a constant challenge to maintain balance and include nature and purity. My goal today was to find balance. My Thursday morning began outside before dawn. I began to breath the warm moist cool air, rain washed just that night before. As the light brigh...(more)